91% of Startups will Fail.

The number one reason why startups fail is due to misreading market demand — this is found in 42% of cases. While launching an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) prevent this pitfall, it is a monumental task, especially for solopreneurs! You can - and you will - face these challenges:



Finding Technical Expertise



High Costs and Resource Constraints



Lack of Technical Guidance

The Fabrik Approach

Maximize efficiency & budget

As the visionary behind your project, you understand the importance of the right technical expertise to bring your ideas to life. That's where Fabrik comes in! We are more than just a service provider; we are your strategic technology partner. We are committed to transforming your vision into a viable, market-ready product. With our experience in building hundreds of apps, we have developed a unique methodology for MVP creation.

How are we unique ?

A Process that Will Guarantee your Success

4 steps to maximize the success of your MVP.


Idea Refining

We start by evaluating, refining and bring you advices on your idea for market readiness and success.


Developer Matchmaking

We then match you with a developer from our pool, tailored to your project's needs and your working style.


Development Support

With the team ready, we start to support the development of your project and provide you regular updates to align with your vision.


Launch and Support

Once your MVP is ready, we assist with the launch and provide ongoing post-launch support.


Our Key Features

Here are the top notch of our features, but there's also plenty more we can offer - and you can see them below

Risk-Free Guarantee

If you're not satisfied with a developer's performance, we provide an alternative without any additional charges.


Access to experienced CTOs for strategic advice and oversight, ensuring your MVP aligns with your vision.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Our model is designed to be affordable, offering more value at a fraction of the cost.

Vetted Developer Matchmaking

We connect you with developers who are not just skilled but perfectly matched to your project's needs.

Why choose Us ?

Time-Efficient Process

We save you valuable time, accelerating your MVP's journey from idea to market.

Custom-Tailored MVP

Your vision is unique, and so should be your MVP. We ensure it aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Long-Term Business Impact

Our approach is not just about building an MVP; it's about setting a strong foundation for your business's future.

From Z-Hero to Hero

Bespoke CTO Consulting: Your Strategic Tech Ally

Navigating the tech world can be daunting. With our CTO Consulting service, you gain more than technical advice; you gain a strategist, a guide who aligns technology with your business goals. From selecting the right tech stack to designing scalable architectures, we cover it all. Our expertise lies in our ability to understand your vision and translate it into technological success.

Developer Matchmaking: Pairing You with the Perfect Talent

The backbone of any tech project is its developers. Our Developer Matchmaking service is curated to connect you with a developer who’s not just skilled but the right fit for your project’s unique needs. We ensure they are well-versed in building MVPs, understand startup dynamics, and are agile in their approach.

Tech Stack Optimization: Tailored for MVP Success

Our approach is simple yet effective - we optimize the tech stack to suit your MVP. This means faster development, cost efficiency, and a product that’s ready to scale. Whether it's leveraging the power of cloud computing or choosing the right database, we tailor it to your project's specific requirements.

In-Depth Consulting: From Ideation to Launch

Every stage of your project is crucial. Our consulting covers market analysis, feature prioritization, tech road mapping, and more. We’re there from the ideation phase to the launch, ensuring each step is executed with precision.

Ongoing Support and Progress Tracking

Our commitment doesn’t end when your project launches. We offer ongoing support, ensuring your product evolves with the market and your business needs. Regular progress tracking and agile adaptations keep your project on the path to success.

Hi 👋 I'm Jeremy

Let's invent the future together.

Schedule a 30-minute consultation with me, Jeremy, your CTO at Fabrik. It's completely free, and there's no catch. I'm here to bring you the value of my experience, with over 100+ apps launched. Don't expect to be sugar-coated, many startups fail, and I want the one that we work with to succeed. And I am sure that we will have fun discussing !

Jeremy André

CTO & Founder

🚀 Start with your free consultation.

No sale, no trick. You need a MVP, and I have build tons of it.

So if you don't know where to start, or feel a bit lost, I got you.

🚀 Start with your free consultation.

No sale, no trick. You need a MVP, and I have build tons of it.

So if you don't know where to start, or feel a bit lost, I got you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Fabrik apart in delivering my project?

How involved can I be in the development process?

Can you handle the unique needs of my project?

What if I need to pivot or adjust my project's direction?

How does Fabrik ensure quality in a tight timeframe?

What about after the launch?

What exactly can I expect from your CTO consulting service?

There are many development services out there. Why should I choose Fabrik?

I've had mixed experiences with developers in the past. How will this be different with you?

How flexible is Fabrik with project changes and pivots?

What if I'm new to tech world and feel overwhelmed?

How do you guarantee project success?

Our Services

Select the offer that best suits your needs

Done With You (DWY)
$ 490
With this plan, you will also have access to our CTO Consulting service, where we will help you with the technical aspects of your project.
  • All that's included in the DIY plan, plus...
  • Direct one-on-one assistance from concept to MVP launch
  • Access to advanced development resources
  • Continue support for free
  • Free access to expert-led webinars every month
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Embrace the future of MVP development with us – where your vision meets our expertise.

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